I found this story to be very interesting. Here’s the article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/8830066/Band-creates-the-most-relaxing-tune-ever.html
Apparently this song was created by a band who worked with sound
I found this story to be very interesting. Here’s the article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/8830066/Band-creates-the-most-relaxing-tune-ever.html
Apparently this song was created by a band who worked with sound
This is the powerful and enjoyable Alpha Break program by Bob Griswold. Enjoy this video presentation of the program.
How to use positive affirmations and guided meditation programs to improve your subconscious thinking or self-talk to improve your life.
Here’s a quick tip on how to be happy now. Introduces you to a free article where you can find the article “How to Be Happy and Healthy Now” along with great self help audio CDs and MP3s with positive affirmations.
A brief description of how you can achieve greater wealth and prosperity by changing your mindset and building a prosperity consciousness.
Quick tips on how to love your body and how to get your free report “3 Keys to Life-Long Health and Weight Control.”