Successful Teens


The teen years are a very challenging time for everyone – but it’s a critical time for building character and a sense of self-worth. This program helps teens cope with peer pressure, enjoy school, say “no” to drugs, and make better decisions in general.


Successful Teens

Although the other Love Tapes have been very helpful for thousands of teenagers, this one is designed specifically for that age group. It helps teens cope with peer pressure, enjoy school, say “no” to drugs, and build self-worth while improving family and social relationships. It also assists in developing character and a winning personality. This program will help make the teen years much happier and productive. Makes a great gift.

This program is one of the excellent titles in our LOVE TAPES® series. It features a relaxing and powerful guided meditation exercise along with two soothing subliminal programs. Together they provide the perfect recipe for self-improvement. Click here to learn more about the LOVE TAPES series.

Try listening on our app – The Wiseguide! Available on both Apple IOS and Android platforms.

Click here to view more programs relating to teens!